Whether you’re looking for a specific NRA firearm course or just want to explore various course offerings, you’re in the right place. Here at HSC we offer both Courses for Students looking to get there FID or LTC to experienced shooters who want to become NRA Instructors. What makes the clubs programs different is that all the instructors donate their time so all course proceeds get turned back into the club to continue to grow the shooting sports here at HSC focusing on youth and beginner shooters.
Student Courses Offered
- Home Firearm Safety
- Basics of Pistol Shooting
- First Steps Rifle Orientation
- Basic Rifle Shooting
- First Steps Shotgun Orientation
- Basic Shotgun Shooting
- Muzzle Loading - Pistol / Rifle / Shotgun
- Range Safety Officer
- Personal Protection Inside the Home
- Personal Protection Outside the Home
- Metallic Cartridge Reloading Course
Instructor Courses
- Home Firearm Safety
- Pistol Instructor
- Rifle Instructor
- Shotgun Instructor
- Muzzle Loading Instructor
- Chief Range Safety Officer
- Personal Protection Inside the Home
- Personal Protection Outside the Home
Archery Instructor Programs
Level 1 Instructor
- Course content: Range safety, range set-up, basic equipment setup and repair, and how to teach the basic steps of shooting
- Length of Course: 4-12 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum age: 15
- Course Cost: $75.00
- Certification period: Three years
- Any Level 1 Instructor who wants individual insurance coverage will need to become a member of USA Archery and complete a background check.
Level 2 Instructor
Level 2 Instructors generally work with more established archery programs, such as Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD), college clubs and local archery clubs with a strong base of beginners. Course includes basic shooting steps, introduction to intermediate shooting steps, safety, range set-up, equipment setup and repair, fitting equipment to an archer, how to teach archery and how to teach a Level 1 Instructor Course.
- Length of Course: 12-20 hours
- Prerequisites: Minimum age: 18, USA Archery or National Field Archery Association membership, Successful background screen
- Course Cost: $150.00
- Certification period: Three years
- Please note: No certification will be processed without membership and a successful background screen
For additional information about the above programs, please contact Tim Bradbury. -
Pink Pistols
Celebrate diversity and the freedom to protect yourself. The Boston Chapter of The Pink Pistols welcome everybody on the second Saturday of each month.
Back 40 Range, 2:00 PM.
For more information please see: Boston Pink Pistols
Project Appleseed™ isn’t a gun club or a militia, nor is it a historical society. Instead, we are a non-partisan group of men and women (known as the Revolutionary War Veterans Association) who are committed to upholding the values and principles of America’s founding fathers. We use rifle marksmanship instruction as a gateway to help bring our nation’s history to life and to show that many of the values that our forefathers relied on to win our independence are still very much in demand today.
Through clinics and events, we teach rifle marksmanship and early American heritage to introduce individuals of all skill levels to the knowledge that was so crucial to the success of our nation’s founders. Aside from the fun and camaraderie of these events, the designed takeaway is a renewed sense of civic responsibility that each attendee can then implement in his or her own community. If we can reconnect enough people with the selfless civic virtue of our forefathers, we as a nation will all be better off.
Our goal is to create a nation of Riflemen. We’d love for you to join us.
For more information please see the Appleseed Website or email the MA State Coordinator.
Please see: Upcoming Events in Massachusetts